Our staff and students have a wide variety of research interests and are currently engaged in projects spanning various research areas within the music psychology domain, many of which are interdisciplinary in nature. Browse the categories below and explore the diversity of our projects.
Enhancing Research Culture
Researchers: Melissa Kirby, Karen Burland, and Freya Bailes
This project aims to improve access to, and participation in, research for individuals with lived experience of disability. It aims to enhance the inclusivity and diversity of research culture, processes and outputs. Previous research involving adults with learning disabilities (LD) as co-researchers has demonstrated that this community can provide meaningful and insightful contributions to research. However, opportunities to develop research skills and experience are often contained within one-off participatory projects, predominantly initiated by non-disabled people. There are few long-term formal opportunities for adults with LD to choose to develop the skills they need to have research autonomy, and therefore to directly influence, engage with and lead research. With the current shift towards participatory and co-created research, further research training opportunities are needed to support adults with LD to engage with research in a meaningful way. This project explores current research training practices for adults with LD with the goal of co-designing a proposed online research training programme for adults with LD. The project is supported by Research England Enhancing Research Culture funding.
Flyer showing the opportunities of co-creating research
Flyer showing what is needed for research with adults with learning disabilities